Understanding Depression - DFS Consulting
Psychological Counseling, Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy, Life Coaching, Personal Development.
Private Individual & Corporate Training, Seminars, Workshops & Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
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Understanding and Managing Depression In a Psychological and Pharmacological Perspective
In Promotion of National Suicide Prevention Week
Rediscovery Investment:
php600 per person
September 12, 2020 (Saturday) 3:00pm to 5:00pm
Zoom Invite
Nature of Depression
What Depression Sounds Like
Causes & Origins
Depression and Silence
Effects if Not Managed
Signs & Reasons of Suicide
Interventions: Psychological & Pharmacological
How to Respond to People with Depression
How to Provide First Aid for Suicide
When to Seek Professional Help
✔ Family, relatives, friends, colleagues who know someone who has (possible) depression.
✔ Those who want to learn more about depression and suicide.
✔ Those who are exhibiting low mood, sadness, anxiety, irritability, no interest in activities, low energy or feeling sluggish, low concentration, restlessness or slow moving, changes in appetite and sleep, low confidence, thoughts and attempts of ending their lives.
✔ Those who are under medication but may think that it’s not that effective.
✔ Those who are unsure of the possible effects of medication
✔ Those who want to know more on what happens during admission or hospitalization
✔ Those who are undergoing therapy but feel that there is something lacking or missing.
✔ Those who want to seek professional help but unsure of what to expect.