05 Jan Hello Change! Oh Wait.. Dealing with Changes
COVID-19 pandemic did not just bring viruses to all of us, but it also brought huge changes- in life, perspective, wisdom, in the way we interact with people, in the safety protocols that we should follow, and the way we should live our life in general. However, how are we going to deal with these constant changes in this so-called “new new normal” that most of us are experiencing during this time of pandemic, and how is it affecting every individual?
Dealing with these constant changes would take time, acceptance and acknowledgement of our emotions to deal with. We have four stages when it comes to reacting with constant changes in time of COVID-19 pandemic (MindTools, 2020).
1. Shock and Disorientation
A person who would experience sudden changes in life such as a financial crisis or health problems would likely to change their outlook in life as all of the relationships that they’ve cultivated for years might also be affected. At this stage, the person is in a state of confusion and uncertainty.
It is important to seek reliable information, make sense of the situation, and make sure that you stay connected to reliable people that are close to you and make sure to stay away from fake information and gossips (MindTools, 2020).
2. Anger and Other Emotional Responses
Because of shock and disorientation from the sudden changes you’ve encountered, it’s normal that you would have high emotions. These emotions might be anger (eg. downgrade of your role) or being fearful about the possible layoffs within your family. It is normal that you would feel these emotions as long as you’re not suppressing them. Acknowledge them and make sure that you assess these emotions. You can ask your colleague/s or family for an opinion or inputs on how you can resolve the situation that you are in. But most of all, give yourself time to recover from these constant changes (MindTools, 2020).
3. Coming to Terms With the “New Normal”
You would process yourself on moving towards new normal. Along with it is rediscovering the things that you think you could use to adapt in moving forward towards the new normal. This stage might take time to process but as long as you have goals and you’re process is continuous then you would likely to adapt and accept the terms and demand of the new normal (MindTools, 2020).
4. Acceptance and Moving Forward
As you move forward to the new normal, you would bring your skills and relationships that you’ve cultivated, learn from the old normal, see clearly the recent situation and process the sudden changes in your life (MindTools, 2020).
Dealing with the constant changes in our life might take a lot of time, specifically in processing acceptance and acknowledgement. Change is inevitable. Instead of exerting your energy and efforts in avoiding these changes, find a way on how you can cope to achieve resilience. Remember to evaluate the level of your control towards a situation, to practice self-care, to examine your thoughts, to check on your past strengths, apply them on your present challenges and to always know your priorities (Smith, 2020).
How can your handle constant changes in life, especially now that we are in a pandemic and no one knows when this pandemic will end?
MindTools. (2020, April). Coping With Change Facing Fear and the “New Normal”. https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/coping-with-change.htm.
MindTools. (2020, April 23). The Four Stages Of Coping With Change. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYGBYDgwtR8&t=9s.
Smith, PhD, LPC, K. (2020, February) The Psychology Of Dealing With Change: How to Become Resilient. https://www.psycom.net/dealing-with-change.
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