27 Jan Finding the Silver Lining in Uncertainty
COVID-19 has come as a surprise to society, healthcare systems, businesses, and governments throughout the world, despite the fact that a global pandemic has been a lurking threat for decades. Governments are still under pressure to make decisions on how to manage the pandemic’s immediate effect and repercussions, decisions that will affect the globe for years to come, in the face of tremendous
obstacles and uncertainty, as well as innumerable personal struggles.
It’s impossible to believe that the pandemic’s horrific memories would be forgotten soon or completely over time. The human losses alone will serve as stark reminders of the consequences of societal and individual transformation. The fresh beginning following lockdown will undoubtedly provide possibilities while also posing hazards to everybody. Our governance institutions, which are in many ways our democracies, will remain central to this journey.
It may be difficult to have a good attitude while fear, anxiety, tension, and uncertainty are all around us during the COVID-19 epidemic. Despite the fact that our concerns are well-founded, we must continue to hope and have a positive perspective. What are the silver linings to the crisis, and how can leaders take use of this opportunity to create a more affluent, egalitarian, and sustainable society?
If you’ve been following the news recently, you may have noticed that each day seems to be getting worse. However, we have some wonderful news to share with you, which we believe will improve your day:
1. The percent of COVID-19 affected patients will recuperate. Many patients are asymptomatic at all, which can be difficult to deal with, but it’s vital to remember that no matter how terrible things appear, there is always hope. We can be certain that if we all maintain safety in our homes and observe CDC instructions for preventing infection and social distancing, we seem to be doing everything we can to prevent the virus from spreading and lowering the risk of terrible loss of human life.
2. Our ability to respond to any future pandemics should increase. COVID-19 has shown flaws in healthcare systems all across the world. We can only hope that this will give a once-in-a-lifetime chance to rethink global epidemic responses and establish a better integrated disease-fighting system.
3. People and corporations have come forward to lend a hand in a courageous manner. Numerous people contributed to the battle against by the pandemic, whether that’s establishments distributing food to frontline staff, businesses retooling their production infrastructure that makes Protective Gear (PPE), people making a donation to numerous emergency relief, or children trying to send drawings and trying to encourage messages to doctors and nurses. All of these activities, large and little, have benefited a large number of people.
4. It is critical to develop government education programs to raise understanding of mental health concerns, as well as to make identity methods and expert therapies more widely available. Instead of cutting off workers, businesses may repurpose underused labor and resources to effectively assist frontline psychological and global health institutions. Such methods enable businesses to remain relevant and resilient while also addressing critical societal demands that have arisen as a result of the crisis.
Conversely, just as a dilemma is fraught with dangers, it is also fraught with possibilities. When the storm has passed and the dust has settled, our capacity to successfully minimize the dangers while capitalizing on the possibilities that these social implications may provide will determine whether the new frontier emerges stronger – and the postCOVID-19 normal more robust and sustainable.
There are several good messages and experiences that should be highlighted as well. It has the potential to bring us together in unexpected ways when awful things happen. We put aside our differences and come together as humans to support one another and strive for the better welfare of everyone.
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Silver linings – finding the positive during difficult times. Mather Hospital. (2020, May 5). Retrieved September 13, 2021, from
Finding a silver lining amid covid-19 uncertainty: UCW. University in Vancouver. (n.d.). Retrieved September 13, 2021, from https://www.ucanwest.ca/blog/business-management/finding-a-silver-lining-amid-covid-19-uncertainty.
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