05 Sep For Better or For Worse, Until Parted by Pandemic
Managing Relationships During Quarantine
Even before the time of quarantine, managing a relationship was not that easy. For a relationship to work, it requires having mutual understanding between two people within the relationship. It also requires emotional support between the two, efforts from one another and practicing giving and taking. Both persons should also be benefiting from one another, which means transformation or growth in their personality, perspective in life, lifelong learnings, experiences, emotional improvement, and understanding. All of which could help in managing your relationship (Cherry, K. 2020).
The pandemic has taken many things from us – experiences, opportunities, vacations, hangouts, events, daily routines, sadly a family member, and the ability to mingle with other people. Just like in our relationship with our partner, quarantine has taken all the time that we should be spending with our partner, times that should be spent to create memories with one another, and the stage of getting to know each other. Because we are limited by this quarantine, most relationships resort to online as a mode of interaction.
So what makes it difficult to manage a relationship during quarantine? We, humans, have different ways of showing and receiving affection from our partner and we are driven by the intimate sense of touch. Interacting online makes it hard for us to see, hear, sense and feel the affection of our partner. We may not even feel the sense of security because we can’t see their sincere expression every time we make efforts and profess our love to them (Robinson et al., 2021) as all of these require face to face interaction. Because actions are restricted and limited, many relationships are starting to fail due to these kinds of reasons which made their relationship fail.
There are things that we should all remember to prevent break-ups in this time of quarantine.
- Both of you should be open to one another, be open about your thoughts, feelings and emotions and try to build that kind of attitude within your relationship. Try to understand your partner every time they’re not feeling well or if they are emotionally unstable.
- Make time or interact with your partner and at the same time make them feel secure. Try to compliment your partner or just send them a simple and meaningful message. If your partner is feeling down, try to remind him/her how important they were. If both of you are fighting, don’t resort to a break-up, don’t make it an option or a toxic excuse to bring up other problems and misunderstandings inside your relationship. Wait until both of you are calmed down, and try to look at the problem that started the fight. Think if this is a good enough reason to end your relationship. Don’t forget to talk about that problem and apologize even though it’s not your fault (Robinson et al., 2021).
- Be mature enough when it comes to handling your relationship problems and learn from the past fights and misunderstandings in order for the both of you to grow. Give each other room or space to breathe when resolving your problems (Blashki, 2020).
All of these are possible and can help build a stronger relationship if both can understand and know each other more, regardless if it is online or face to face interaction.
Ask yourself these questions to assess if it’s time to break-up with your partner:
Is it all worth it?
Am I still happy?
Do I still see myself with my partner?
Do we still communicate healthily?
Do we still have trust in each other?
Do we still support each other?
If all of your answers are yes.. then maybe these are signs that you still have a healthy relationship with your partner. If all of your answers are no.. have you worked things out including seeking professional help to improve the connection? After giving much individual effort, is it still not working? Then maybe it’s the best time to break up with your partner because you will just feel prisoned in an unhealthy and toxic relationship, especially if one of you doesn’t see the same goal in this relationship.
What does your think about how you’re managing your past and current relationships so far?
Cherry, K. (2020, January 20). How to Know If You Are In a Healthy Relationship. https://www.verywellmind.com/all-about-healthy-relationship-4774802
Robinson, L., Smith, M., & Segal, J. (2021, January). Tips for Building a Healthy Relationship. https://www.helpguide.org/articles/relationships-communication/relationship-help.htm#
Brito, J., & Lomothe, C. (2019, November 10). Is Your Relationship Toxic? https://www.healthline.com/health/toxic-relationship
Blashki, D. G. (2020). How to maintain a healthy relationship during the coronavirus. https://coronavirus.beyondblue.org.au/managing-my-daily-life/staying-connected/how-to-maintain-a-healthy-relationship.html
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