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“Bored, I’m so bored, I’m so bored. So bored…” 

Just like these lyrics on Billie Eilish’ song entitled Bored, almost everyday we feel bored, no energy to do the things you’re passionate about, feeling trapped in a four-walled room with no lights on; emptiness filled our hearts and minds. We cannot just be ourselves just like before and it is so frustrating, right?

Boredom is the state of being weary and restless through lack of interest (Merriam-Webster, 2021). It may also be when you are feeling energetic yet no nowhere to direct your energy. It may also occur when you are having problems concentrating on an activity. Boredom is a common complaint among kids and teenagers. When people are uncomfortable dealing with their thoughts or feelings, they may complain of boredom. (Cherney, 2020). 


Negative Outcome of Boredom

Worse than how boredom feels is how it impacts us over time. Boredom is linked to negative outcomes and well-being, and it can encourage us to make harmful and risky decisions.

Sammy Perone, who is an assistant professor and other researchers at Washington State University in Pullman, assumed that persons who have negative reactions to boredom would have distinct brain waves prior to becoming bored. However, on their baseline tests, they were unable to distinguish between brain waves. It wasn’t until they were bored that the difference became apparent.

“People who report high levels of boredom propensity have an avoidant disposition. For example, these individuals are more likely to experience depression and anxiety,” the researchers write. 

Bored students perform badly in school, process information shallowly, are less attentive, and put in less effort. In the later years, there is even a greater risk of dropping out. Teenagers who are frequently bored are 50% more likely to start smoking, drinking, or using illegal drugs. It’s also one of the most common causes of binge eating; adults who are prone to boredom have a higher risk of depression and anxiety, as well as a lower sense of fulfillment and purpose in life. They also travel at a faster rate and take longer to react to unanticipated road dangers. (Coulson, 2019). 


What can we do to fight boredom?


1. Make a mental note of why you’re doing it.

Boredom, like all feelings, is based on what you’re thinking at the time. That means remaining at home will only be worthwhile if we are actively considering the greater good. When we reframe our action, it affects how we feel about it.

2.  Find a rhythm.

Routines provide structure to our days and a feeling of consistency that helps us find meaning in our lives. When people are involved in regular routines, their lives feel more important. People might reclaim a sense of meaning that protects them from boredom by establishing new habits.


3. Accept the situation as it is.

It is difficult to look for activities that would make us occupied without making us burn out. Challenging or not, we need to remember that things will shift throughout the day. Therefore, don’t pressure yourself too much to finish these things so go get a break whenever you feel like.

4. Try something new

You could wish to try out some new hobbies or activities to diversify your life. Joining a club is an excellent method to avoid boredom. Starting with reading clubs, hobby organizations, or workout groups is a terrific way to get started. Another wonderful approach is to join a community club that offers events and outings.

5. Reconnect with your loved ones or make new friends.

Through the use of social media platforms and messaging applications, having a conversation with our family and friends who are far away from us and given our situation right now because of the pandemic, we can easily connect with them. Building new friendships with people online is also a nice thing to do.


Among the negative outcome effects of boredom, what do you want your  to avoid doing so?



Cohut Ph.D., M. (2019, July 9). The Study Premises. Medical News Today. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/325697

Coulson, J. (2019, February 11). The Case Against Boredom. Institute of Family Studies. https://ifstudies.org/blog/the-case-against-boredom

Giorgi, A. (2017, December 19). Boredom. Boredom: Causes and Treatment. https://www.healthline.com/health/boredom

Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Boredom. In Merriam-Webster.com dictionary. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/boredomWestgate, E. C. (2020, March 27). 6 things you can do to cope with boredom at a time of social distancing. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/6-things-you-can-do-to-cope-with-boredom-at-a-time-of-social-distancing-134734




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